Wednesday 4 December 2013

Final Music Magazine Double Page Spread & NME Comparison

My Music Magazine Double Page Spread also shares some similarities to NME Magazine regarding conventions. For Example the main text of the article is written in columns and placed on the right hand side of the article, separate from the main image, like this featured article of NME's. Also the common conventions of a double page spread are similar between the two pages such as the positioning of the standfirst, pullquote and grey box. Also both articles adopt an overall colour/colour scheme across the pages, with my spread being and overall blue/purple colour and NME's being an overall beige/off white colour.

Another main feature that is in a similar position is the headline, but my headline is larger, in a more distinctive font, with block colour panels behind the text to make it stand out. finally another small feature I have included that is similar to this article, is the small shapes situated around the edges of the pages, to fill in empty space and give a more edgy look to the article.

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