Wednesday 4 December 2013

Final Music Magazine Double Page Spread & NME Comparison

My Music Magazine Double Page Spread also shares some similarities to NME Magazine regarding conventions. For Example the main text of the article is written in columns and placed on the right hand side of the article, separate from the main image, like this featured article of NME's. Also the common conventions of a double page spread are similar between the two pages such as the positioning of the standfirst, pullquote and grey box. Also both articles adopt an overall colour/colour scheme across the pages, with my spread being and overall blue/purple colour and NME's being an overall beige/off white colour.

Another main feature that is in a similar position is the headline, but my headline is larger, in a more distinctive font, with block colour panels behind the text to make it stand out. finally another small feature I have included that is similar to this article, is the small shapes situated around the edges of the pages, to fill in empty space and give a more edgy look to the article.

Monday 2 December 2013

Final Music Magazine Contents Page & Comparison to NME


Like my music magazine front cover, my contents page shares certain similarities with NME magazine, in terms of the position, style and nature of their conventions. For example, my banner and contents heading is at the top of the page like in NME, but with mine more to the left rather than the right, and my text in bold capital letters, contrasting against the colour banner. Also the style of my categories is also very similar as they consist of a small, clock colour banner, with the title of each category in white against the colour, similar to NME. Also the categories themselves are similar, with mine featuring heading such as news, and features also. however my column containing my index/categories is on the left of the page, where as NME's is situated on the right.

Another convention that is similar between my contents page and NME's is the use of a main focal image, with smaller images or secondary images more off centre. Also, my subscription box follows a similar style, as it consists of a block colour box, standing out from the general colour scheme, highlighting the lighter colour text, making it stand out more to the reader.

Final Music Magazine Front Cover & Comparison to NME

My music magazine front cover possess quite a few similarities between conventions, with other magazines of the same sub-genre. For example, quite a few conventions on my indie-rock magazine cover, share similar positions or styles to those conventions that are used by the individual magazine NME. Firstly, for example my masthead, its is positioned right at the top of page similar to NME, and it is using bold, capital lettering like NME to make it stand out to the reader, the only real difference is the colour and my masthead is more centred. Secondly, the main coverline on my front cover is situated near the bottom right/middle of the page, similar to NME, and is in a very large font size. However to make mine stand out more from the page, and to contrast the text against the main image, I have placed panels of block colour behind the text to catch the readers eye even more, unlike NME.

Another feature I have used as well as NME magazines front cover is the use of a pug. On my cover I have used a different type of shape, using a contrasting colour to the main colour scheme to help it stand out to the reader and offer a unique selling point to my magazine. This has also been used by NME magazine, offering something different, but using a similar method and using a stand out block colour. Again, another feature I have positioned similarly to NME's magazine is my secondary coverlines. These are all placed along the left hand side of my front cover like NME's and all match the colour scheme, however mine differ from NME as again, i have placed panels of block colour behind the text to make them stand out.